
While I was doing research for Washed Ashore: Making Art from Ocean Plastic (Lerner Books 2022), I discovered so many incredible artists using ocean plastic in creative ways. Monika Mira of More Responsible Living in Kauai, Hawaii is all about protecting the ocean through education...

When artist Angela Haseltine Pozzi noticed plastic trash washing up on the beach near her home, she took action. She formed an organization called Washed Ashore. Since 2010, over 14,000 volunteers have processed 39,000 pounds of plastic collected from beaches. Together they’ve built more than...

It's official! I have a book deal. Washed Ashore: Making Art from Ocean Plastic will be published by Lerner Books in 2022.

I was featured in the Sunday morning paper of a nearby city called Gijón. Hey, if they're going to let me talk, I'll talk about things I love, like Spain, art, books, and of course, kids!...

My latest photography exhibit, "Abriendo Puertas," is now on display at the Casa de Cultura in Lugo de Llanera in Asturias, Spain. The older folks who had been students at San Cucao elementary school were invited back to the school to share with the younger...

Amazon | Amazon UK Clara has a new baby brother, and he gets lot of attention. Clara admits her baby brother is very cute, but reassured herself that he can't do things she can do, like brushing her teeth, putting on her pajamas and picking...

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